Blog Detail | Chukka Caribbean Adventures

Chukka Foundation: Empowering Education Through Community Tourism in the Dominican Republic

At Chukka Caribbean Adventures, our commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles is at the core of everything we do. One of our most cherished initiatives is our community tourism tour, "Dominican Culture: Cooking, Coffee, & Casa Typica," which not only offers guests an authentic experience of Dominican life but also directly supports the local community. This tour has gained significant recognition and is currently a Seatrade finalist for Innovative Shorex of the Year.

Located in the heart of Guzman, the same community where our Chukka Ocean Outpost at Coconut Cove is situated, this tour has become a vital part of our ESG strategy. Through the proceeds of this tour, we were able to fund back-to-school supplies for basic and elementary school children in Guzman. The Chukka Foundation provided backpacks, books, pencils, crayons, and other essentials to ensure these children are well-prepared for the new school year. To celebrate this initiative, we hosted a special event where the children enjoyed cake and refreshments with our team, making it a day to remember.

Our dedication to ESG goes beyond mere compliance; it’s about creating meaningful experiences that leave a lasting impact. We hire locally because we believe in showcasing the rich culture of our destinations through the eyes of those who know it best. This philosophy is exemplified by our Dominican Culture tour, where members of our team, like Blanca, the owner of the house and guide, bring their heritage to life for our guests.

Roberto Roman, our Chukka Country Manager in the Dominican Republic, played a pivotal role in bringing this vision to fruition. With the support of the Chukka home office, Roberto approached Carnival Cruise Lines with an idea to offer guests an immersive experience in the campo, highlighting the essence of Dominican culture.

"I was born and raised in the Dominican Republic," says Roberto. "Coffee plays a very important role in our culture. I want people to smell, taste, and enjoy coffee like a Dominican. We eat mofongo on special occasions with our family, and I wanted to show passengers what it feels like to be part de la familia. Blanca makes the tour special for each and every one of our guests, and the feedback we receive shows us we have created something unique. After enjoying coffee and mofongo, we take our guests for a relaxing time at the beach to close out a true Dominican day."

Roberto’s pride in the tour is evident, but what makes him most proud is the commitment that Chukka has made to give back to the community. “Every Dominican Culture tour we sell contributes proceeds to a fund dedicated to reinvesting in the community through purchasing needed appliances, supplies, and other community projects,” he adds.

At Chukka, we believe that the best tours are those that not only showcase the beauty and culture of our destinations but also contribute to the well-being of the communities we are privileged to be a part of. Our partnership with the Guzman community is a testament to this belief, and we are honored to continue this journey together.